Friday, November 13, 2009

I look French? - Friday & Saturday, 6 & 7 November 2009

I am used to being mistaken for a Russian, until I speak, and I am used to being recognized as a bumbling foreigner, which I am. But Friday and Saturday I was mistaken for French. Which is fine by me, and I wouldn't mind putting rusty French skills to use, but it has me a bit confused as to why I'm being mistaken for French. There really aren't many (if any) French people here.

First, it happened at the shoe repair place. When the young woman who eventually helped translate came in, the shoe repairman's assistant asked her if she spoke French. Luckily, I understand enough Russian to understand what he was asking her, and to understand her answer--no, she didn't. So I piped in that I speak English. She then asked me if I speak English. Yes! Hm.. I wonder if they still think I'm French, just a Frenchwoman who speaks English.

Then, Saturday I returned to the market and Artyom to shop for Sophia's birthday presents. Looking at a pair of snow pants for her, the lady selling them asked me if I were French. Usually, once it is discovered that I am a foreigner, I am asked if I am English or American. But, once again, I was mistaken for French.

I don't mind. A bit curious about what it is about me that makes some Kazakhs think I'm French.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds very interesting...twice in one day at two different locations. You must have had something going on fashion-wise. I would take it as a compliment too.
